Web 3.0

We have experienced both web 1.0 and web 2.0 which have had unprecedented effects on our lives. We have seen a drastic change in the world of the internet. If you are reading this article, that means you have heard the term web 3.0 third generation of WWW(world wide web) which aims to make the internet more intelligent. web 3.0 term was given in 2014 by ‘Gavin Wood’, co-founder of Ethereum. web 1.0 describe as a read-only web, web 2.0 describe as a read-write web, and web 3.0 describe as a read-write-execute and referred to as the web’s future. Let’s understand all three.

Web 1.0

Web 1.0 is a pioneer version of the internet, originating with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). web 1.0 made information available to the public. Some features of web 1.0 are static web pages, read-only web, a one-way medium to publish, Bookmarking & Page Hyperlinking, and no facility to attach images only one could send text emails.

Web 2.0

The improved version of web 1.0 allows users to communicate and interact with each other. It includes platforms like YouTube, Google, LinkedIn, Wikipedia, Facebook, etc.

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 apps are decentralized peer-to-peer networks like Ethereum and IPFS. These networks are developed, operated, and sustained by their user instead of the enterprise. This solely created network claims with fewer chances of failure. web 3.0 mitigate centralization and data leak. In web 2.0 the collection of personal information through private networks is then sold to marketers or may be stolen by hackers. Web 3.0 is decentralized driven by machine learning, and artificial intelligence, and leverages blockchain technology.

Imagine a world where we are all working together and using technology innovation to accurately forecast in a timely manner and take action quickly so that empty shelves are a thing of the past. Imagine a world where the supply chain fills the shelves consistently with choices that consumers want and can enjoy with their families and friends. This is our vision.

Web 3.0 often incorporates blockchain technologies, for example, different cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Some visions state that digitalization of assets through tokenization. Assets and rights are transformed through tokenization into a digital representation, or token, on a blockchain network. Digital currencies like cryptocurrency and fungible tokens, which are simple to swap across networks, are what’s powering a new business model that democratizes banking and trade. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are data units that stand in for special assets like avatars, digital artwork, or trading cards that users can own and profit from.

Key features that can help in defining web 3.0

  • Semantic Web: The idea behind the semantic web is to make the internet data machine-readable. Through search and analysis, the Semantic Web enhances web technologies’ capacity to create, exchange, and connect content by interpreting the meaning of words rather than just using keywords or numbers.
  • Artificial Intelligence: To provide quicker and more accurate results, computers can comprehend information on a human-like level by merging semantic skills with natural language processing. It helps to develop greater intelligence.
  • 3D Graphics: Three-dimensional design is widely used in websites and services in Web 3.0 such as online games, e-commerce, portfolio websites Museum guides, geospatial contexts, and many more.
  • Ubiquity: Rather than being restricted to computers and smartphones, Internet content and services are accessible anywhere, at any time, via a variety of devices.
  • Blockchain: User data is secured and encrypted using blockchain technology. This stops big businesses from having access to and/or using consumers’ personal data for their own gain.
  • Edge Computing: The development of edge computing, which enables apps and data to be handled at the network edge on gadgets like smartphones, laptops, appliances, sensors, and even smart cars, is a crucial component of Web 3.0.


Based on the information I can say that web 3.0’s an open subject in the tech world. It is slowly evolving which can certainly make a big shape in the coming years. I just love its decentralized features that provide users privacy. Our privacy on the internet is a really current loophole of web 2.0. There is so much hype over web 3.0 which is hypothetical right now but my conviction is that if implemented properly, it can invite us to join a brighter and smarter future that is well-protected!