Hi There!

I am Chetan Sheth
I Love to Develop.

QuantumBot Pvt. Ltd.

Qb Logo

My Story

As the founder and Director of QuantumBot Pvt. Ltd, I am at the forefront of driving innovation in the field of cutting-edge technologies. My current focus is deeply rooted in AI/ML, Blockchain, Computer Vision, and Voice Processing with Deep Learning. My role involves steering the company's strategic direction and ensuring the integration of these advanced technologies to create outstanding solutions that address our clients' most complex challenges.

+91 7600 053 351


Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.





Android, and iOS


AWS, Azure, and G Cloud

Chetan Sheth

Chetan Sheth

Founder & CGO

As founder and Director of QuantumBot Pvt. Ltd, I lead the company’s strategy, focusing on innovation in AI/ML, Blockchain, Computer Vision, and Voice Processing to create solutions for complex client challenges.